Thursday 4 October 2007


I just received a 7feet long marketing board from a supplier in Italy. You know the fancy ones hanging in department stores, but this one slightly smaller.

To my online store.

Very chic, maybe I should hang it up and play pretend boutique owner? C and J can be my customers.


Anonymous said...

perhaps you can use it as an example of what our other providers do for us? I have a feeling that there is a certain brand in the UK who could learn a lot from other suppliers in stead of f'ing around. ;)

Mia said...

You mean treat me like a fancy boutique owner? Thank you, I will see it that way. Wouldn't have mind actually receiving the products though..but let's not be picky. ;)

Lillie plein damour said...

Thats so cool, I want to shop.

Mia said...

Be my guest. ;) I have kexchoklad and coffee as well for our special guests.