Monday 18 February 2008

My stubborn little lady

Today, we went to a toy store to buy some treats for the Mid Term (2 days off school). J saw a pink doll pram, which she fell head over heals in love with and spent the rest of the afternoon wailing after it. "J vill haaaaaa looooooosa vaaaagn" ("J waaaants piiiiiiink praaaaam!"). C sat patiently with her in the back seat trying to explain that she might get one for her birthday, but only if she stopped screaming about it... So instead she went: J vill till IKEEEEEEEEA (J wants to go to IKEA!)

Anyway we now have 4 different games, pearls and 2 different drawing kits to occupy us with for the next two days, while O is off in the Big City.

O being home last week really made C open up to him again. He hasn't been completely happy with dad away every week, but now they are the best of friends again.

Having fun at breakfast.

Today is an EFIT day (One Photo an Hour), but I have pushed it until tomorrow so O can follow us, when he is away.


Julie M said...

Greetings Mia! I'm happy to have you join the 366 challenge. I will add your link to my blog too. You've posted lovely pictures so far and I look forward to seeing more from you...

Mia said...

Thank you, Julie M.

I am very excited to you found this challenge. Thank you for stopping by.