Monday, 25 February 2008

366 Challenge 159: Gift

As well as being a theme of the 366 Challenge, this photo pretty much sums up my weekend. It seems as if children's parties always comes in pairs. So driving around against the clock reading the map with a birthday gift on the dashboard, has been our pleasure at two occasions this weekend.

Regarding the other big happenings in my life: the flat viewing was cancelled due to an exterminator being there spraying the viewing booked Wednesday, but I will take an extra good look as to what he could have been exterminating... The car is still not working, but yesterday as we were contemplating calling someone who could just come and tow it away so we'd never see it again, we drove past a Recover van. The guy was ever so helpful checking a couple of things (he even made a little camp fire on the pavement to clean the spark plugs to C's excitement), so today we are keeping our fingers crossed that the garage can come and pick it up and hopefully there will only be a smaller fix needed...if not the recovery man told us "you might as well get a new car". Encouraging.

Also, I want to welcome Crille, who bravely decided to join the 366 challenge even later than me. He is very, very close and dear to me and I am so happy that he has joined!! It's such a great way of keeping in touch, since we live quite far apart at the moment and I know that he loves photography, has always done.

Have a look at his 366 site:


crille said...

Låter som om du haft en rätt busy helg... Fotot blev i alla fall riktigt trevligt. :)

Jag har som mål att försöka komma ikapp dig i antal foton de närmsta veckorna. Håller fortfarande på att gå igenom fotona hemma från jan och feb.

Julie M said...

Crille, welcome to 366! If you don't mind, I will add you to my links and if you wish, please add me to yours.

Mia, your gift photo is perfect with the back of the car visible in the background. Nicely done...

Dogeared said...

Ah, I remember being a kid, and the big birthday/Christmas present circuit! My boss at work was trying to organise a trip to the cinema for her daughter's birthday with some of her daughter's friends - finding a good weekend, a film they wanted to see, some kids couldn't have popcorn, her husband staying with the kids while she took one to the toilet if they needed to go - such a lot of work involved in being a parent!

And welcome Crille! I've seen your reply to my comment, so I'll add you to my links!

Lisa B said...

Lovely shot Mia, and welcome Crille.

Mia said...

crille: You seem to have some nice photos stored up from January. I don't have any, so I'll better get to it. I think I'll do a whole series if we'll ever get to Sweden during the Easter break.

dogeared: It's a whole operation. I a having nightmares already over Cs birthday party in April... ;)

julie m and lisa B: Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are really encouraging. :)