Inspired by
Boel in Brunei, I decided to have a go with an EFIT projekt. EFIT means Ett Foto i Timmen, translated One Photo Per Hour. Welcome to a day of my life:
7.13 Ironing Cs shirt, I went up at 6.30, but only remembered my EFIT by the ironing board. The children are still asleep, so it is a nice and quiet moment.. I am thinking about O who has probably touched ground in the big city by now (he left at 5am).
8.13 J och C on their way to our car. Time for school!
9.17 back again and J stands very nicely by the garden fence while I get the buggy out of the car boot.
10.25 after 1h of playdoughing, J watches TV and I check out how we did yesterday on the internet.
11.19 J is brave enough to play with Cs TRex. She is sticking her finger in it's mouth and then presses the remote, so the mouth closes with a growl..
(note, angle of camera, I am still in my comfy chair..)
12.23 J is in bed and I have just had a round to the parking meter, peaking into the private park that we we've been promised keys to.
13.11 Working, while J is is bed refusing to sleep
14.24 J has an unexpected shower as she decided to have a little nappy disaster just as we were on our way out the door.
15.17 From the car on our way home from school. I was actually going to take a picture of the city landmark, but it was to grey so I took a picture across the street instead, of some winter trees.
16.37 Dinner Pyttipanna from IKEA
17.29 I had a weak and overly postive moment yesterday, when I promised C we would make pepparkakor (gingerbread biscuits) today. The dough is from IKEA, but still. Children thought it was great fun, though!
(but I have to find the rolling pin until Grandma arrives before Christmas..and the aprons..)
18.09 Time for the Lego calendar, ginger bread biscuits and Julkalendern at svt.
19.17 I am speaking with O on the phone when I hear the children playing in the hallway. When I am finished I find J walking on a pile of flat packs in my 2inch (6cm) boots! *gulp* "J e Tant Surtant" ("J is Lady Grumpylady", a witch from a Swedish Children's programme on SVT), (Haxan Surtant pa SVT)
20.33 Children are in bed and I sit down for a work session. When I start coughing, J wakes up again and I get so frustrated I tell her I am actually brushing my teeth and if she doesn't lie quietly in her bed I won't be able to sleep and mummy is soooo tired. Then I go into the kitchen and open a "Swedish Fish" bag from IKEA.

21.22 It is now quiet again and I get some work done. I usually do this while skyping with O, but I don't have skype installed at the moment. We are emailing a bit though before he heads for his hotel.

22.45 Finished working for today. Put the TV on record for Julkalendern, pack Cs bag. He is going to be a shepherd on Thursday and *thankfully* it doesn't involve any sewing, he will wear a stripey top and black trousers. The rest of the outfit, I am going to let the school kit him out with.
I was planning on a luxurious evening in our new bed with laptop and some leasure browsing, but I am to exhausted to even contemplate bringing my new red friend. So I say good night and hope you have enjoyed my day. Have a good Dec 12!
Inspirerad av lilla mig, tänka sig! Nu är det ju (tyvärr) inte min egen briljanta idé (visst är det kul?) men ändå, kul att inspirera någon!
Det är roligt tycker jag, att se dagen så där i bilder, och inse så mycket man faktiskt gör på en dag. Jag har svårt bara att komma ihåg att ta fotona... Får verkligen anstränga mig.
Keep it up!
Hej! Jo, jag vet, har tankt gora EFIT lange, men nu nar jag sag din blogg igar, sa fick jag inspiration. :)
De tar inga nya medlemmar forran efter nyar, men sen e jag nog med i svangen pa de riktiga dagarna.
oj, nu maste vi rusa till skolan.
Käraste gumman. Vad fint ni bor, det ser mysigt ut.
Tack för att jag fick ta del av din dag.
Ta en svensk firre för min del, jag skall ut och dra pâ stan i kväll och dricka lite vin, tänker pâ dig dâ.
Wow! This is so, so cool! Near-real time. This will definitely make my time away more bearable (so perhaps you should stop...). This is so, so good and looking at the pics it's easy to understand why I want to work there and nowhere else!!
Love you,
Hoppas du har en fin kvall, tack for att du tittade in. Visst e vart rosa vardagsrum fint? ;)
Annars tycker jag mycket om att bo i lagenhet igen, kanner mig trygg sa och det ar ju en forutsattning for att kanna sig hemma nanstans.
kram och sov gott inatt!!
Ja tank att vi sags varje dag forr i varlden, konstigt underbart. Hurra, it's Thursday tomorrow!
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