J must have some kind of IKEA gene, because she is perfectly capable of fixing a scew with a cordless screwdrives and she is only 2 1/2years old!
She said: "Ingen fala mamma, J siktig finglet" *No worries, mummy, J careful with finger"
Last night was actually spent programming, (O enlessly configurating the tv card and I another blog) I just had to sit with my laptop and while I was on it, I visited a part of my brain, having been asleep for a while. Very pleased to say it worked quite well. Not all mumsy up there. No, quite sharp if I may say so myself. *eherm*
Haven't started the book yet, but as least I now have a nice little bedside table to put it on.
Comment of the day: Everytime we assemble IKEA furniture J learns something new. Today, she has been saying: "Va detta dumheten!!" ("What's this nonsense!")...
MÅste kännas väldigt skönt att få lite möber och kunna gömma undan saker. Tänk så mycket _golv_ ni har helt plötsligt;)
J verkar vara en händig donna.
Absolut och ikväll har vi en säng att sova i. :)
Hon upphör inte att förvåna mig, den här lilla damen.
Do you have a Christmas tree yet? We just got ours last night, it's still in its meshy wrapper, ready to fall open and scratch me to pieces ;) Our candles will be lit soon, L.Muck has them in place but didn't want to switch them on. I told her to do it.. they have sensors &!*(&!^!%
No no tree yet, and O has managed to break 2 of our lights *I mean two whole settings *, so he is for sure going back to IKEA this weekend. I WANT lights in all windows.
Nice to see you here. :)
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