Very stressed out today about Dora coming tomorrow. The house looks a mess *really, I can see that is the very point of hiring her*, I just cringe at the prospect of it all.
So, today I have tried to do everything: organizing our things, unpacking boxes, etc not succeeding and eventually O packed us all up in the car and off we went to IKEA.
We don't have any wardrobe in our bedroom, nowhere to hang our clothes and we cannot decide what to buy *or rather, we cannot really afford what we would really like at the moment*, so eventually we decided to go to IKEA to buy a clothes rail *to start with*. We are also in need of some organization in the kitchen, so I made a list and off we went.
After our arrival all pretty much went down hill. C broke down in in tears when the Småland playarea had closed for the day *well, they hadn't closed, but they didn't allow any more children in, so he could still see all the other children having fun and it was all a bit to much to bare*. His mood quickly transfered to little sister who started wailing for not going upstairs *which she decide was the one activity in the whole wide world that would be able to make her change her mood*
By the time we got to our first department *beds*, J was really going for the big concert style wailing, we split and I started walking towards the "organization department" *boxes and stuff*, still hearing her behind me. By the time they caught up with me, my shopping list was gone *had given it to J, so she could draw a picture with the Butterfly pen that made her sooo happy in the car on our way to IKEA..* and so was all our patience, so we started walking towards the checkout.
By the time we arrived there we looked in our shopping trolley and realized we had bought:
- 1 picture and frame of 2 parrots (for C)
- 2 witches brooms (at least it's halloween soon!)
- Orange and black candles in all shapes and forms.
- 1 lamp with hippos printed all around.
- 2 frames for some pictures we have at home. *she liked the picture department*
- Father Christmas-shaped sweets.
- litter bins
- recycling set for under the sink.
- clothes rail