Thursday 5 June 2008

Dreams of a patio

Maybe it was my dream of a patio that made me place an order for these pair of trousers with The White Company today. I have been looking everywhere for my camera charger, but I am completely useless with cords and I feel almost intimidated by the chaos of cords stairing back at me when I pull out the drawer in our hallway, *where O has instructed me that the charger is located*.

Well, he is back tonight and we have a whole week of vacation in front of us! Ah, I am sooo desperate for some alone time, can't wait! I also look forward to share some moments with you from the little harbour village in Sweden where we will be staying.

While waiting for the return of the master of cords, I am going to do some more online shopping...


Anna said...

I looked at those trouses in the catalogue! you have to tell me if you like them later.

anna uk

Mia said...

Oh, I will! *whenever they manage to arrive here, not to mention the great Swedish postal service of sending you a slip to let you know that you are welcome to drive yourself to the post office to pick it up...*

I ordered the long ones in ice blue and white and the short version in white. *looking forward to receiving them as my clothes from last summer are to big..* :)

Dogeared said...

I have a bunch of cords on the floor at the bottom of my bed, where my extension socket is - and I periodically untangle them, but then they all seem to get tangled again! I need to put big labels on them, and then stick some hooks or something to my chest of drawers, so I can lie each cable over its hook! So I feel your pain ;-)

Enjoy the trip away, it sounds like you need it!