Today, I bought an old wooden cupboard over the internet. That and a beautiful mirror made of an old window. The cupboard is going to be the new home of all the toys daily being spread all over our living room floor. I sent my husband to "pick it up". *eherm* It was a little bit bigger than we expected, we spent most of the afternoon trying to get it from the parking lot and in..
Anyway, as I was putting toys in the cupboard and I had lined up the children's
collection of Swedish books, I really liked the look of it, so I fetched my camera...
I like that shot very much. The shelf looks like it has character...
Yay for old things! It looks a good addition, and the collection looks great too!
Skönt att ha så mycket plats att ställa alla leksaker och böcker! Du kommer nog märka att det kommer kännas bra att den var större än du hade trott, det kommer rymmas så mycket saker!
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