Just a short update to all the wonderful people visiting this site with concerns about us and C.
C is doing well, considering everything that has happened. He still has some way to go. A lot has happened to my beautiful, happy, confident 5year old the past 6 months, but he is slowly letting things go and I have heard a lot of laughter the past few days.
I am still waiting for my cord to the camera to upload picture, I've done some 366 challenging to focus my mind on better and more fulfilling things.
Today we were by the seaside, watching boats and eating ice cream.
Just wanted you to know that we are all right. Miss you all and I will probably be up and running again this weekend.
Good news!
I've been wondering and I'm glad for the good news. Looking forward to see your pictures.
Skönt att höra att allt är väl. Hörde från fru H att ni skulle stanna i par månader frammåt. Låter ju kanon! Ge C och J två BAMSE kramar från mig och E.
Om du mailar ert S-nummer så ringer jag.
That's really wonderful to hear! Thank you for taking your time to update us a bit. Looking forward to seeing your photos!
That's great news, Mia -- about C, that is. I love coming to your blog. It's a peek into life far-far-away, for me. What a sweet family you have.
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