I don't know where my tiredness comes from. Well, actually I do know, we have had a rough 1 1/2 years and now that things are going more smoothly, it all comes hitting me from behind.
I just want you to know that I am ok, I am fine, the family is fine, I am just so tired both physically, but mostly mentally at the moment. I am working myself through the house, as if the world will be a better place if I only get the last load of laundry ironed. In a way it's comforting to close up in a bubble and focus on the very small things and manage to put something right.
O and I are talking a lot. I feel very blessed to have such a great person to share my life with.
If I only wasn't so tired.
I just want you to know that I am ok, I am fine, the family is fine, I am just so tired both physically, but mostly mentally at the moment. I am working myself through the house, as if the world will be a better place if I only get the last load of laundry ironed. In a way it's comforting to close up in a bubble and focus on the very small things and manage to put something right.
O and I are talking a lot. I feel very blessed to have such a great person to share my life with.
If I only wasn't so tired.
Ojdå, det låter inget vidare.....men hördu, strunta i stryktvätten och vila istället. Tvätten finns ju kvar ändå.....Men det kanske inte är så lätt, jag har varit "där" jag också. Ibland orkar man bara inte, speciellt om det varit mycket en period. Var rädd om dig. /Anette
Try to think "the spring is comming"-And be pleased if you manage to do one good thing on a day-promise it's working........
Maria i Sennan-Sweden
It looks like this tree is tired too! I am glad that you are past your rough year. Sometimes I find when things calm down after a rough period that you have time to "relax" and you feel tired all the time, I know that has happened to me, hang in there, things will get better!!
This tree looks like a good place to lean up against on a balmy spring afternoon and relax.
Kram vannen, det ar jobbigt att behova ta itu med sitt bagage. Men jag vet att ni har det bra nu alla i familjen. Ta en bit i taget och njut av stunden och livet.
Fabulous photograph. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Oh I know those times - it is just your body saying "Ok, enough now, time to rest - the danger has gone" So rest as much as you can, enjoy your home and family and allow the healing and repair to take place.
Love the picture, glad you have touched base, I did wonder where you had gone.
Mia, I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were. I'm glad you made a quick post to let us know. I miss you! Take care of yourself (and let your family do so too) and you'll soon been back to 100%.
I think that your tiredness is just something you need to sleep on, now the the bad patch is over, Keep that photo of the tree handy it is a weeping willow, let it shed the tears. As someone said you have a bright spring approaching, get out and absorb some of the energy of the times. And to match our swedish colleagues, Mog-moga Lekas Sembuh! Which is Indonesian for "Get Well Soon"
I can completely relate but like everyone said spring is coming and you have to have a positive attitude that tree is just so expressive
This tree looks like it wants to wrap you up and make you feel all better! I love the photo and hope you'll be feeling better soon.
This tree is magnificent, I find trees especially beautiful.
We do what we need to do during the busy and rough times and then crash when the stress passes. It's time now to rest and nourish yourself as much as you can. Hope you are feeling up again soon!
Hoppas du mår bättre! Tänk inte på alla måsten!
Oj, det lät inte bra!!!
Har saknat dig, funderat vars du har varit och hur du mår!? Men nu fick jag ju veta!
Försök vila och ta det lungt!!
Och du kanske detta gör dig glad - du har en award att hämta hos mig =)
I found your blog again - I happened upon it a few weeks ago, then took a leave of absence, as I see you did too. Glad to have found it once again. I know how you feel; I'm tired too...weeping willows are my favorite trees - what an appropriate image. And the post prior was so neat - I love that angel/snowflake gizmo.
Jag hoppas ocksâ att du mâr bättre snart, men ta i tu med det, spring inte i frân och vila dig. Kram
Mia, love the tree photo. And it was a perfect illustration for your written thoughts. Give yourself the time you need for rest and rejuvenation.
Det är supertufft att vara småbarnsförälder i dessa dagar!Det är inte oss individer som det är fel på utan hela samhället.Jag tror inte vi är gjorda för detta hysteriska tempo.Ingen kan ha koll på allt, det rusar runt en.
Som snart "gammal tant" kan jag se tillbaka till tiden när döttrarna var i dina barns ålder. Jag blev SÅ trött när alla äldre som sa till mig att skulle njuta av denna tid som aldrig skulle komma tillbaka.Man var så trött och ville bara slänga sig i väggen så det var ju inte riktigt detta man ville höra!
Mitt "knep" var att hålla stenhårt på en hobby, golfen.Där fick jag vädra hjärnan från barn, jobb och hem.Har haft tur och ha en make som delat det mesta med mig!
Det enda jag kan säga är att försök känna vad som är viktigast för dig och dina närmaste och skit i alla andar "måsten"!
Kram på dig!
Hoppas att du mâr bättre.Kram
I've not been to your blog before. But from what is written here, you've been through a rough period. Your number one priority is to take care of yourself first. All other things come second.
I love the tree and the expression you relate to. Good colors and composition.
Hej vännen, låt tvätten var! Hoppas att du är mindre trött nu. Tänker på dig. Kram
Otroligt fina foto du har!
Nu vill jag ha ett livstecken! Pliiiiz.
Hi Mia,
Just checking in to see if you are back as yet. I'm actually glad to see you are still resting, I know you'll be back when the time is right. Spring is near thank goodness, for all of us...
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