365 challenge: 39 Candlelight
A New Year, new challenges and one of them is the 365 challenge. I had a fair try at the 366 last year, but due to the year being quite a hard year for us as a family, I didn't have the time and the dedication as I would have liked.
But I learnt so much and I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I have got to know and I think I am more into the habit and "thinking" of a daily photo challenge. I live and breath with my lens nowadays.
My first 365 contribution will be my candlelit zink houses. I have 4 of them and they are so pretty and they have spread the light on our dining table through out Christmas.
Update: As I am absolutely terrible with shooting anything without having great lighting, I tried taking this photo when it still was some daylight outside and it worked a treat!
I bought these at Butiken Flitiga Fredrika, which I highly recommend!
But I learnt so much and I am so grateful for all the wonderful people I have got to know and I think I am more into the habit and "thinking" of a daily photo challenge. I live and breath with my lens nowadays.
My first 365 contribution will be my candlelit zink houses. I have 4 of them and they are so pretty and they have spread the light on our dining table through out Christmas.
Update: As I am absolutely terrible with shooting anything without having great lighting, I tried taking this photo when it still was some daylight outside and it worked a treat!
I bought these at Butiken Flitiga Fredrika, which I highly recommend!
Mia ~ It's beautiful & such a creative take on the theme!
A really lovely and warm glow, weel done.
Wow - this is really terrific. What settings did you use on your camera?
Karen: *eherm* I used the "running man", I have to check what that setting is called. Then I added some more contrast to the photo afterwards.
But I think the trick is to take the photo with some daylight seeping in through the window. And I also rested my camera on a pile of books for stability.
Mia, what a great capture. I love it! So warm and inviting.
Var är det man köper de där zinkhusen? Såg dem i en utlottningen men minns inte vad tillverkaren heter. Gott nytt år!
Anna: Jag har köpt dem hos Flitiga Fredrika:
Lovely glow... I think you did a wonderful job with the lighting.
How pretty...love the lanterns and the lighting in the photo
Mia, again you've posted a splendid photo. I want to be sitting there enjoying the glow of your lanterns...
I like you take on the theme (and I love houses) - you hit two in one! Great capture!
The lighting is gorgeous!
Love this image, Mia. I love the warm tones with a splash of dark red. The composition is great, also.
Very pretty! Love the glow!
Your candles are fascinating. I have also been interested in your blog layout. How did you get the columns so wide? Mine is a narrow strip down the middle and I can't find the place to widen it...
Very nice candle glow and great detail.
love these houses...you've captured the light beautifully...lovely picture Mia! I think it looks really fabulous against your blog background and purple text too!
Lovely photo. Very swedish - my swedish friends (who have just moved back to the UK - Yay!) always used to get through masses of candles. Everytime we went shopping, it was more candles :)
linda (elemobe): *Haha* Yes, it's probably a very Swedish thing. It probably comes from the darkness in Sweden. ;)
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