365 challenge: 181 mechanism
This little beauty, I received as a Christmas gift from a friend. My grandmother had a similar thing when I was little and I loved it. In Swedish it's called änglaspel, which means musical angels. Now my children are as intrigued with it's mechanism as I was as a child.
This is a tea light holder and when the tea light warms the air, the little angles *in this case snow flakes* start to spin round and round.
Thank you M for a wonderful gift!
PS. The snow flakes are lit by some bigger candles, standing to it's right *they are reflected in the background patio doors*
This is a tea light holder and when the tea light warms the air, the little angles *in this case snow flakes* start to spin round and round.
Thank you M for a wonderful gift!
PS. The snow flakes are lit by some bigger candles, standing to it's right *they are reflected in the background patio doors*
Great photograph. I like the mix of the colors and the DOF.
Beautiful lighting :)
This is just beautiful, the color, the light and the memory. I've seen the angel ones but never snowflakes.
This is so beautiful and what a neat gift! I love the softness of the picture.
How neat - I have never seen one of these before - I want one!! It makes for a very unique and beautiful picture!
Den anglaspelsmodellen gillade jag. Valdigt fin
Mia, it's funny - I was just thinking this past Christmas about the old angel chimes we used to have. I don't know what happened to them! But yours is so much prettier. I'll have to look for another set.
Lovely shot! What a warm and homey atmosphere this portrays. (I remember one of those little angel things from my childhood, too. It had 2 little bells, and there were tiny clappers hanging from each angel, so you got 2 different tiny, delicate tones whenever it turned.) Thanks for bringing back a lovely memory!
This is just lovely - and I enjoyed reading the story behind it.
That is adorable! What a fun gift.
Jo, en sak till! =) Hur gör man för att få bloggen uppdelad i 3 spalter? Ser att du har gadgets på bägge sidorna... Kolade i mallarna, men fann ingen där.
Ja du änglaspel hade vi också!
Nu har jag också gått med i 365 utmaningen - intressant men jag vet inte riktigt hur jag skall få det att praktiskt fungera, jag vil ju gäna blogga om mer.
Jag får titta runt och se hur nu andra har löst det.
Hade nog velat ha en sida där man hittade alla bidrag på vissa tema, men men..
Vacker och stämningsfullt foto!
Fick ett änglaspel av min morfar för många år sedan.Minns att den var lite knepig och få "i balans" så den är tyvärr bortglömd någonstans.
Skulle kanske köpa ett till nästa jul som ett barndomsminne.
What a lovely gift & story. I love
the delicateness of the snowflakes. Just beautiful!
Vilken fin bild! Har inte sett just ett sådant änglaspel. Bara de med änglar som jaginte har haft upp på många år från lådan i källaren. Ställer samma fråga till dig som Ewa - Hur gör man för att få bloggen uppdelad i 3 spalter? Ser att du har gadgets på bägge sidorna...
Ha en bra dag idag =)
Vackert änglaspel!
Jag har gjort en separat blogg för 365-fotona http://365fotoaventyr.blogspot.com om du har lust att kika och ändra i länken till mig.
Another image that made me smile. Very nice.
Beautiful, warm lighting and nice bokeh in the background, too!
Åh vad fint det var med snöflingorna. Har aldrig sett den varianten förut men hos mig skulle den få stå framme hela vintern. :-)
Oh, I really like this one...we have the Angel one (my hubby is Swedish)...going to have to put this on my Swedish wish list and have the rellies find one for us!
What a wonderful memory to share with your children. I was in Stockholm in 1957 when the USS Northampton CLC-1 pulled into your wonderful city and tied up to the pier. At that time this was the first United States ship to visit Sweden since the end of WW-II.
Du har otroligt fina bilder på din blogg.
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