365 challenge: 1 One Hundred
We haven't really done much this weekend. I have been working and twice a day I we have been out playing with Ebba. Yesterday, I took the camera with me outside and I desperately tried to get a nice shot of Ebba playing. I was lucky if I even caught her on the frame of the photo, but if I did it was mostly a complete blur. When I uploaded the photos to my laptop this morning I noticed that I had taken 100 photos of her. Of the 100 photos one was a good one and this is the very one.
She really is quite enchanting. Sounds like you are having fun with her.
awww who wouldn't want to take a picture of her she is beautiful!!
What a cute puppy!
Mia, that is a very good one! You captured Ebba looking so thoughtful. One out of 100 is a pretty good success-to -failure ratio when dealing with puppies!
Mia, Ebba is such a beautiful puppy, and I think she is very photogenic. I can imagine we will be seeing more of her. Great shot, thanks Ebba.
Thank heavens that there were only 99 in which the subject didn't play ball, or did as the case may be. Nice photo
If I lived closer I think I'd be stealing this precious little thing. ;-)
I love this for the 100 theme!
This is quite adorable. She has such an innocent face.
I am in love with Ebba's face, she has those expressive eyes that almost tell you what she is thinking (really nice image - even if it took you 100 tries)!
Such a cutie and what a serious look for a puppy. Nice theme tie in too.
She's irresistible Mia! And I love how you tied it in with the 100 theme!
I love the tie in with the theme. It's great shot, too. She's gorgeous!
Ebba is a cutie and the picture is awesome.
Ebba is adorable and this is a great candid of her. You just want to hug her!
Ebba and the photo are beautiful. It's nice to know that other people also take 100 photos to find 1 "keeper", too!
Just look at that adorable face, it was worth taking the other 99 just to get this one!
Well, that is a great photo, and her eyes are fabulous.
Ha ha, det var ju ett bra sätt att lösa uppgiften "100" på :-) Du får tacka henne ;-)
Jag funderar lite på att delta i 365 Challenge, håller på att göra en bedömning av hur många av ämnena som är för svåra först bara...
Men om jag ska vara med så tänkte jag ju härma din utmärkta idé :-) med att lista alla teman i vänsterkanten, som ju Akson så fint gjorde reklam för. Frågan är då... hur har du gjort? I min Pyssla o Syssla-blog kör jag mallen Minima, samma som du verkar köra, och i Fotobunten kör jag Stretch Denim, men båda har har bara en sidebar, så har du lagt till en själv, direkt i HTML? Eller kan man få till det på nåt enkelt sätt i Layout/Sidelement?! Och det ser ut att vara ett enda sidelement/gadget som du lagt i all text och alla teman i? Det ser väldigt bra ut vill jag tillägga!
(Oj, nu blev det mer att tänka på för mig... Pyssla o Syssla-bloggen gör jag gärna om, men Fotobunten har jag redan gjort om en hel del, och maxat bredden (för min skärmupplösning) så den bloggen är jag ju inte så pigg på att ändra i, men där passar ju temat bäst... Och så ligger jag ju redan 10 dagar efter... Och hur ska man göra på semestern...).
Oh Mia, your Ebba is such a sweetheart! You captured her personality perfectly in this picture. Great job.
Your so blessed to have such a beautiful addition to your family. She will bring you much joy and happiness I'm sure. This is a perfect shot. And I'm sure this will not be the last time we see her. Or at least I hope it won't be!
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