366 challenge: 247 Tradition
Today the Tuesday theme is nära, which means near or close. Christmas is near and celebrating Christmas with my family is very close to my heart, so here is a close-up of my advent light holder, decorated with coffee beans, cinnamon sticks and dried mango (the last ingredient is new to me, but works very well).
Advent is celebrated on the 4 Sundays before Christmas, where one candle is lit every Sunday up to Christmas. It is a mix of the start of the church year, where advent means arrival (symbolising the arrival of Christ), but since it sounds so similar to the Swedish word vänta as in wait, it nowadays symbolizise the wait for Christmas, or the day that Christ was born.
In Sweden the advent candle holder with 4 candles was only introduced in the late 1900th century, even though advent is much older than that being a fasting period to prepare for Christmas, however as most Christian traditions, it has evolved from a pagan tradition when people celebrated the Mid Winter Solstice, Yule, by lighting candles. The Swedish word for Christmas is also Jul..
To see more nära contributions, click here.
Advent is celebrated on the 4 Sundays before Christmas, where one candle is lit every Sunday up to Christmas. It is a mix of the start of the church year, where advent means arrival (symbolising the arrival of Christ), but since it sounds so similar to the Swedish word vänta as in wait, it nowadays symbolizise the wait for Christmas, or the day that Christ was born.
In Sweden the advent candle holder with 4 candles was only introduced in the late 1900th century, even though advent is much older than that being a fasting period to prepare for Christmas, however as most Christian traditions, it has evolved from a pagan tradition when people celebrated the Mid Winter Solstice, Yule, by lighting candles. The Swedish word for Christmas is also Jul..
To see more nära contributions, click here.
Snyggt! Kul med kryddor i stället för mossa. Så får man inte lite juldoft också! /Anette
Fantastisk bild och kul med lite historia också. Jättefint. :)
Ha en härlig dag.
Gillar verkligen din bild! en bra tolkning på veckans tema! Hoppas att du får en bra dag! =) /maria_6909
Vad fint! Vilken otroligt bra ide att använda kryddor i Adventsstaken!!
Snyggt fotograferat! Gillar också din idé med lite doft i ljusstaken :)
Vilken härlig doft det blir från din adventsstake!Vacker bild...som alltid här:) Jag har en adventsljustake i gjutjärnsom jag brukar ha olikfärgade bönor i men kryddor är ju ingen dum idé heller. Tack för tipset!
Är det OK att jag lägger till dig i min blogglista?
Kram Ninni
Å, vad kul att du kände så när du läste mitt inlägg. Vilken fin bild, härligt med kryddor och ljus.
Brukar ha det jag oxå med en massa kaffebönor. Det doftar underbart!
Kram =)
Doften av jul känns ända hit, så mysigt! Din fina bild gav mej den känslan. Ha en skön kväll!
Vad fint det ser ut i din adventsljusstake. Jag fyllde min med stenar mm/Lis
Vilken fin närbild. Lite annorlunda dekoration i ljusstaken,mycket snyggt.
Ha en skönt advent!
Mia, thanks for dropping by my blog and for the nice comments. I have added you to my links as well. I have browsed thru your blog and really enjoyed it - you do incredibly nice work! I love your images. (Plus you have 2 really adorable kids)!! I remember when mine was that age - they grow up way too fast. My twin boys turned 15 today and I am not sure where the time went...well, I am looking forward to getting to know you thru the 2009 photo challenge - and really looking forward to seeing your images. Thanks for stopping by!
Trevlig och inbjudande med historiken och kryddor istället för mossan. Det sprider väl goda dofter då.
Tack för kommentaren hos mig.
Ha en fortsatt fin vecka!
Hi Mia,
Glad you will do the 365 challenge next year. Are you going to continue using this blog then? Do you mind if I add you to my links on my 365 blog? I think your format is great, by the way. It's a super mix of different challenges and all very enjoyable to see.
Mia, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed stepping through your photos. The little ones show some great emotions. I wish I had done more photography when mine were little. Thanks for the different slant on the themes. I will need all the inspiration I can get when I start my list in January! I've added you to my blog list. Esther
Mia, the new bloggers who are taking up the challenge for 2009 are on-line friends of mine from a forum called Elements Village. Do you mind if I add your blog to the list I'm keeping there? Find it here:
Mia, thank you for visiting my blog. Your blog is beautiful and your photos are gorgeous. Your children are adorable. I look forward to participating in the 365Challenge and getting to know you. I've added your link to my blog.
Spännade en blogg på engelska, och det flesta kommentare på svenska. Måste titta runt här lite mer FANTASTISKT kort med trappan och barnen. Måste även se vad fotochalleng är? MB
Du tittade in hos mig och såg orkiden som var en utförsåkare, men jag har en blogg här också. Maria Berg
Snygg bild
Hur hinner du med alla teman?! :)
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