I hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas, whether it has been one celebrated with lots of family of friends or a more quiet one. We have had the latter and given the complete chaos at work the week running up to Christmas, I am soo thankful that it was only me, O and the kids who celebrated Christmas. A long weekend with zero "has to do's" and only enjoying good food and our family.
This evening (New Year's Eve), C is allowed to be up until midnight and he is so excited. He has ben counting the hours since he woke up this morning and asking us what happens at midnight, what do we say when the new year begins etc.
We also have a new little family member with us this evening. No, I have not managed to be pregnant for 9 months without mentioning it, we happened to visit some puppies the other day. Well, it didn't really just happen, as I have been thinking about it for a while now.

Meet our new baby

Ebba the puppy
Update: 1 Jan 2009 00.45 C made it until Midnight and he and O excitedly went out in the garden to watch fire works, when the tiredness hit him a bit hard and he got all scared and only wanted to climb into bed with mummy and go to sleep. O was left pottytraining with Ebba and now we are hitting bed as well.
Happy New Year!!!
This evening (New Year's Eve), C is allowed to be up until midnight and he is so excited. He has ben counting the hours since he woke up this morning and asking us what happens at midnight, what do we say when the new year begins etc.
We also have a new little family member with us this evening. No, I have not managed to be pregnant for 9 months without mentioning it, we happened to visit some puppies the other day. Well, it didn't really just happen, as I have been thinking about it for a while now.

Meet our new baby

Ebba the puppy
Update: 1 Jan 2009 00.45 C made it until Midnight and he and O excitedly went out in the garden to watch fire works, when the tiredness hit him a bit hard and he got all scared and only wanted to climb into bed with mummy and go to sleep. O was left pottytraining with Ebba and now we are hitting bed as well.
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year Mia! We're 15 minutes away from 2009 here in Canada - as you can tell we're having a quiet evening as well.
Gorgeous puppy. Both shots are sweet, the first one especially so with Ebba watching the kids. Did he finally join in the play?
Gott Nytt till dig med och den kära lilla hunden.
Känner du några bloggare som bor i Australien?
Gott Nytt År!! Vilken ljuvlig liten nykomling i familjen! :)
PatB: Thank you, yes indeed she did! But those pictures got all blurry.. ;)
Mariaberg: Tack! Jag känner en utlandsmamma i Au, men ingen blogg tror jag att hon har. Kan alltid förmedla kontakt om du vill. Du kan maila mig på miaspearls at gmail.com
milou: Åh, tack!! Vad glad jag blir att du tittar förbi!! Hoppas du har haft en riktigt fin Nyårskväll och att lilleman tog en riktigt bra sovmorgon i morse. ;)
Mia, Happy New Year to you.
Gorgeous puppy - that's probably going to make for some interesting blogshots :-)
Have a great year and looking forward to following your blog through 2008.
Men OJ vilken sötis vovve!
Happy New Year! I do so look forward to your photographs for the coming year. It's always a pleasure to see what you post. And this is no exception! A puppy! Our Hamish is just a bit over a year old now and I must say all our lives are enriched by having him with us. Ebba is just beautiful! What kind is he/she? Springer Spaniel?
Julie: Likewise! I am setting up my blog today with links to everyone and updating the themes list. The weather is really grey today here, so no photo adventures for me.
Ebba (Swedish Girl's name) is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and she is 11 weeks old.
Oh my gosh - I am in love! Ebba is absolutely adorable. You had a very nice start to the New Year with her. I especially love the picture of Ebba watching the kids - that is a Hallmark moment! :) Wishing you and your family Happy New Year!
Happy new year! And Ebba looks a real cutie!
Thanks for your comment, and for all your comments in 2008 - I really appreciated them, and I loved seeing your photos!
I'm not sure about 2009 with a 365 challenge. I need to get organised I think with photo storage on my computer, because that was what stopped me posting often - no space on my harddrive!
I do find the 365 challenge funny, but that's probably for a reason I should email rather than post ;-)
We must try to meet up in 2009, now we're in the same city!
Happy New Year! What a cute puppy... I'm really drawn to the first photo with Ebba watching the children.
What a baby... So cute. I love the first shot. I look forward to seeing more shots of her.
Men vilken sötis! Gott Nytt 2009 önskar vi er alla från oss alla :)
Oh! Ebba is so cute! And what great photos.
Happy 2009! -Julia :-)
That's got to be the cutest puppy I've ever seen! Congratulations. I know your children will love him (her).
Vilken söt!!! Vill också ha!
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