Thursday, 15 May 2008

366 Challenge 72: Dandelion

Completely inspired by Dogeared's gorgeous dandelion contribution to the 366 challenge, I had a go myself today.

I have to say, our neighbor (who are not too impressed with my gardening skills to begin with, probably thought I'd completely lost it today as he found me crawling on all fours trying to capture this beauty on our lawn with my camera...)


Dogeared said...

That's beautiful - I love the soft tips around the edge.

And hee - I can just imagine you crawling round on all fours, muttering to yourself, while your neighbour watches on, wondering what you're doing! The thing we photographers do for our shots... :lol:

cmwoodard said...


That is a great shot...
I think my neighbor will think I'm a bit strange when he sees me crawling around in HIS yard taking pictures of Dandelions...

Hah ha

Julie M said...

Beautiful, Mia! For a much maligned weed, they certainly produce a lovely photo!

Amelia said...

Ha ha ha! Ja, vilken syn för grannen! När du gick därifrån smög sig säkert grannen dit och kollade vad som var så speciellt med just den där blomman. Du har verkligen fångat den och fått den att se vacker ut!